I’m sure your water didn’t really break. You must be imagining that.
In this day and age, 34 week preemie is nothing.
He’s meeting his milestones. Stop worrying.
It’s too early to say there’s anything wrong with him, let alone autism.
It’s just teething.
It’s just a growth spurt.
It’s probably nothing.
Try to catch it on video.
Sometimes moms get nervous.
Have you been checked for postpartum anxiety?
We think it’s infantile spasms, but we can’t tell you for sure until tomorrow.
The price of that drug is so high that we don’t offer it here for ethical reasons.
He’s one of the lucky ones.
I knew if we prayed enough he would be cured.
He won’t need early intervention.
We didn’t properly review the first MRI.
One hundred seizures per day is your new normal. Unless he has more than that for ten days straight, I don’t want to hear it.
That kind of surgery is not for kids like him.
There is nothing more we can do.
He is not sick enough for nursing services.
He’s too sick for day care.
God only gives special children to special parents.
He doesn’t qualify for speech therapy because he can’t talk.
I call the spasm seizures “Superman seizures” because their arms go up. It’s a cuter way for my patients’ parents to look at it.
I think a three-piece puzzle is an unrealistic goal.
Wraparound isn’t for kids with infantile spasms.
I wish I was that flexible.
I wouldn’t worry about getting him glasses. He doesn’t do anything besides play with his iPad.
Did you know when you were pregnant that something was wrong with him?
I know exactly how you feel. My dog had seizures.
Will he grow out of it?
He will grow out of it.
He has plenty of time to catch up.
Your claim has been rejected.
Your claim has been rejected.
Your claim has been rejected.
Your request has been denied.
Your request has been denied.
Your request has been denied.
He is no longer seeing new patients.
Fill out this form.
Call this number.
We need more documentation.
He has been dropped from…
We no longer cover…
Will he ever…
She is on sabbatical.
That ketogenic diet cannot possibly be good for him.
If he is hungry enough, he will eat.
How long do you think he will live?
He sure seems happy!
Call the Neurology Fellow On Call.
What are those toxic medications doing to his body?
I only feed my child organic. I hate to give my child Tylenol.
Is Charlie excited about Santa?
Did he even notice you were gone?
Why don’t you just leave him at home?
Are you going to put him in a home?
If you have insurance, why do you need a fundraiser?
Was it a complicated pregnancy?
Did you take any medications during your pregnancy?
Do you think your age when you had him had anything to do with it?
There is a six-year wait for that benefit in this State.
If you fail three medications, the odds of anything working are almost nil.
We don’t think he really has autism, but it’s the only way to get services.
You don’t qualify for the study.
We can’t watch him by ourselves.
That drug isn’t legal in this State.
Just Google a list of approved private schools and visit all of them.
I can’t tell you that without an evaluation.
We can discuss that at the IEP meeting.
I wouldn’t go without an advocate.
It’s time to renew…
We can always go back in again and take out more of his brain.
We have never tried…
Why does he drool so much?
Is he retarded?
Would you like to participate in a study?
The results of this study will not benefit you or your child directly but..
Have you gone to Dr. Rockstar?
We no longer accept your insurance.
Please send in diapers and wipes.
Technically, it’s a wheelchair.
He looks so normal.
There’s a waiting list for
…but we don’t have one at this school.
…but we don’t have one in this County.
He isn’t making progress.
He’s doing great…for him.
Are you going to wear purple today?
Are you going to the epilepsy walk?
Do you know a good neurologist in…
Does that really work?
Do you think it’s helping?
She’s not officially trained to do that but it’s pretty common sense.
Even if we do find a mutation, there’s a good chance we won’t know what it means.
…but they are not allowed to change diapers.
Most kids with infantile spasms don’t do half as well as him.
He seems so happy.
I don’t know how you do it.
You have to be at home to sign for it.
He’s too old for…
He’s too young for…
The attending will stop by and then we will try to discharge you sometime today or tomorrow.
He doesn’t have the right diagnosis for…
Too bad you don’t live there.
Have you ever read Flowers for Algernon?
Please help. My child was diagnosed with infantile spasms today.
Please hold.
Please hold.
Please hold.